Saturday, 22 March 2025
Home About Kathari News

About Kathari News


The global energy transition involves all of us. Every day, we make decisions based on our knowledge of both its perils and its possibilities. To make the right ones, we need trusted information that is both simple to understand and available at the right time.

At Kathari News, we recognize that it can be a challenge to find. Consumers, policymakers, researchers, investors, operators and citizens are inundated with content about this monumental shift taking place around the world, both within and beyond their borders and expertise. This sense of overwhelm can lead to poorly informed, or even misinformed, decisions, or inaction that slows down our transition to a cleaner world.

Kathari News takes on this challenge by delivering comprehensive and reliable news and views on the ongoing global energy transition to help you know what you need to know and why. You can trust our experienced editors to share the latest news from leading international wire services, while also curating a collection of authoritative and diverse voices offering informed analysis and perspectives from across the spectrum of ideas, technologies, research and policy.

The name Kathari comes from the Greek: to make clean, to cleanse. From καθαρός (katharós, “clean”). Kathari News is a destination and a guide for everyone on this quest for a cleaner world, fostering deeper knowledge and debate about the greatest challenge of our time.

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At Kathari News, we are firmly committed to accuracy, fairness, transparency, non-partisanship, editorial independence, the inclusion of diverse perspectives and putting our audience first.


Kathari News starts with a foundation of breaking news and features published 24/7 by leading international news services. They each have their own trusted brands backed up by strong editorial principles regarding accuracy, fairness and transparency: Reuters, The Associated Press, The Canadian Press, Agence France-Presse and PA Media. Our editorial team selects and categorizes these news articles based on timeliness and relevance to our global audience.


Kathari News also highlights news and views from a range of voices engaged in the global energy transition to present the big picture our audience requires. Our editorial team curates, summarizes and links to this third-party content, which is not produced by Kathari News, based on its relevance to our audience and our mission to foster informed debate. This third-party content may sometimes be republished on our site with permission from the copyright holder, including through a Creative Commons licence.

News from Industry and/or Government

We also provide a selection of timely and relevant news releases from industry, government and others that stakeholders in the global energy transition need to make informed decisions. This content is selected independently of our editorial operations and each post is clearly labelled as a news release. The issuers of these news releases are solely responsible for their content.

Separately, our editorial team will often direct our audience to relevant news releases, backgrounders and earnings reports regarding projects, investments, legislation, regulations and other information through links included within the body of posted articles to supplement their reading of news and views on Kathari News.


Kathari News is committed to providing our audience with accurate information from trusted sources of news around the world. Each wire service that provides content to Kathari News has a corrections policy in place to ensure errors are fixed promptly, fully and transparently.

Once Kathari News is made aware of a correction issued by a wire service provider, we will update or replace the original version with the correct version and an accompanying correction note to let audiences know what has changed. The accuracy of the third-party content that appears on Kathari News remains the responsibility of its original authors and/or publishers, but Kathari News will follow the same corrections policy should we be made aware of an error. If the unlikely event that the error is fundamental to the premise of the news or analysis, we will consider removing it from the site and/or our social media feeds with full transparency.

To report an error, please contact our editorial team at

Editorial Independence

Kathari News is committed to putting its audience first. This means we provide timely, comprehensive, authoritative and relevant news and views selected by an editorial team that maintains strict independence from the business side of our site. Our advertisers and other sources of funding play an important role in supporting and sustaining our mission but have no bearing on our editorial coverage or other decisions made by the editorial team at Kathari News.

The members of our editorial team also adhere to strict standards of editorial integrity, including by not seeking or accepting the reimbursement of expenses (including for meals, travel and accommodations), speaking fees or gifts beyond a nominal value from any individuals or organizations related to their work for Kathari News. Unsolicited gifts received by members of the editorial team are to be disclosed to supervisors and either returned or donated to charity.

Members of our editorial team agree to avoid participating in any partisan or other outside political activity that could create a perceived or real conflict of interest. They are also expected to recuse themselves from any editorial decisions or coverage in which they have a direct or otherwise significant financial or personal interest, after disclosing this conflict to supervisors.


Rick Anderson, Publisher

Charlie Bush, Perspectives Editor

Qurat ul ain Siddiqui, Content Editor

Sadè Agard, Content Editor

Chris Hamill-Stewart, Content Editor

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