Monday, 24 March 2025
Home Author Anna Pelegri

Anna Pelegri

Mombak biologist Severino Ribeiro says the project's aim is to 'simulate nature' (AFP)
AnalysisBiodiversityClimateClimate FinanceEmissionsEmissions MarketsEnvironmentIndigenousRegulationsTradeVoluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs)

In Brazil, an Amazon reforestation project seeks to redeem carbon markets

By planting native species in the Amazon, Brazilian company Mombak hopes to restore credibility to a scandal-ridden carbon market.

With 200 workers laboring seven days a week, the largest open-air market in Latin America reflects the transformation currently underway in the Brazilian city, which is preparing to host COP30 in November -- the first UN climate conference in the Amazon (AFP)
AnalysisClimateClimate FinanceEmissionsEnvironmentIndigenousUnited Nations

Brazil gears up for first climate conference in Amazon

Experts view the UN conference as a crucial chance for humanity to reverse the warming trend with firm commitments to reduce emissions.

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