Thursday, 6 March 2025
Home Author Mathilde Dumazet

Mathilde Dumazet

New UN rules would give local communities more power to object to carbon credit projects (AFP)
AnalysisCarbon ManagementClimateClimate FinanceEmissionsEmissions MarketsUnited NationsVoluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs)

UN aims to set standards for scandal-hit carbon markets at COP29

Governments could finally approve new UN standards for countries and companies wanting to trade carbon credits.

Climeworks sucks carbon dioxide from the air and stocks it underground in Iceland (AFP)
AnalysisCarbon ManagementClimateEconomyEmissionsPoliticsResiliency

Carbon capture must quadruple by 2050 to meet climate targets: report

By 2050, humanity must durably remove four times as much CO2 from the air as today to cap global warming below the crucial...

A Swiss start-up unveiled on Wednesday its second plant in Iceland sucking carbon dioxide from the air and storing it underground (AFP)
AnalysisBusinessCarbon ManagementEmissionsIn-DepthInfrastructure

Iceland’s ‘Mammoth’ raises potential for carbon capture

How a "giant SodaStream" inside a volcano takes CO2 from the air and buries it underground in pioneering Iceland carbon capture project

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