Thursday, 27 March 2025
Home Author Vera Eckert

Vera Eckert

FILE PHOTO: A crane hangs over the first jacket support structure installed to support a turbine for a wind farm in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off Block Island, Rhode Island.
BusinessElectionsElectricityNewsOffshore WindSolarWind

Siemens Energy, RWE warn of Trump fallout in US offshore wind sector

Two of the world's biggest renewables firms warn of potential delays for U.S. offshore wind sector under Trump due to policy challenges.


EIB and Deutsche Bank team up to support EU wind power industry

Wind equipment makers face challenges including uncertain demand, slow project-permitting, and supply-chain bottlenecks, as well as high inflation and commodity prices.


How Germany’s hydrogen economy could transform energy use

Germany is betting on green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis driven by wind and solar power, as an alternative to fossil fuels. For some,...


Uniper to ‘green’ Deutsche Bahn with hydroelectric power

Five-year hydroelectric power supply contract designed to help both partners reach emissions targets.

FuelLiquefied Natural GasNews

Germany’s Mukran LNG terminal receives operating permit

Regasification facility given green light in bid to reduce European reliance on Russian gas after invasion of Ukraine.


EEX to work with local bourse on carbon trading in Turkey

European Energy Exchange confirms commitment to establishing emissions trading "to drive decarbonisation".

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