Science-Based Targets initiative report shows not enough scientific support for carbon offsets as an effective way to meet corporate climate targets.
By Simon Jessop30 Jul 2024ReutersAir New Zealand said it would drop its carbon intensity reduction target due to challenges faced in fleet renewal and fuel availability.
By Reuters29 Jul 2024ReutersIn 2023, intense drought and record wildfires hindered forests' ability to absorb CO2, worsening global warming.
By Jake Spring29 Jul 2024ReutersPhasing out coal power from 36% of global electricity in 2022 to 4% by 2030 and 0% by 2040 is crucial to limiting...
By Joel Jaeger29 Jul 2024World Resources InstituteThe loss of forests in Gabon would put a huge amount of carbon emissions into the atmosphere and hit water supplies to neighbouring...
By Emily Beament29 Jul 2024UK PA MediaThe Scottish Liberal Democrats said the 2022 Home Energy Scotland scheme has only paid for 2,085 heat pumps in the last year.
By Rebecca McCurdy28 Jul 2024UK PA MediaMarsden Moor, a popular spot for tourists and walkers between Manchester and Leeds, is known for its blanket peat bogs stretching across the...
By Rebecca Speare-Cole28 Jul 2024UK PA MediaRMI: The shift to zero-emissions cargo handling equipment at ports is economically viable and technologically feasible, but more data is needed to guide...
By Kathari News28 Jul 2024RMIThe energy transition might be inevitable, but it also poses significant financial challenges for local governments, particularly those heavily reliant on fossil fuel...
By Kathari News27 Jul 2024Environmental Research: EnergyChina clearly wants to play more of a global leadership role in the energy transition, writes Xu Yi-chong, a professor of governance and...
By Xu Yi-chong26 Jul 2024The ConversationPlease login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.