Aamjiwnaang First Nation is declaring a state of emergency over a benzene leak linked to a neighbouring petrochemical facility
By CP26 Apr 2024The Canadian PressThe picket follows a decision by Europe's top human rights court that Bern was not doing enough to protect its citizens from climate...
By John Revill26 Apr 2024ReutersAlberta is appealing a judge's ruling that ordered the release of internal documents on coal mining in the western Canadian province's Rocky Mountains.
By Bob Weber25 Apr 2024The Canadian PressBiodiversity loss and environmental degradation create major risks for the UK economy and financial sector, says Green Finance Institute.
By Virginia Furness24 Apr 2024ReutersGreen Party issues statement of solidarity after Angela Davidson arrested for protesting the logging of old-growth trees at Fairy Creek.
By CP24 Apr 2024The Canadian PressPeguis First Nation has filed a statement of claim that alleges the Canadian and Manitoba governments have failed to protect the community from...
By CP24 Apr 2024The Canadian PressFirst Nations have one message for delegates gathered in Ottawa this week to negotiate a global plastic waste agreement: don't leave us out.
By CP24 Apr 2024The Canadian PressA global treaty to end plastic waste will not be ambitious enough if it does not include some limits on plastic production: Canada's...
By Mia Rabson23 Apr 2024The Canadian PressA Colombian court has ruled that environmental calamities, sudden or gradual, can legally be considered a cause of forced displacement, placing obligations on...
By AFP23 Apr 2024Agence France-PresseDuring talks in Kenya in November, a draft agreement leapt from 30 to 70 pages, with oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia recording...
By Marion Thibaut23 Apr 2024Agence France-PressePlease login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.