The number of blazes in Brazil’s Pantanal wetlands has already broken records with experts predicting this year will be the most devastating in...
By Gabriela Sá Pessoa and Eléonore Hughes29 Jun 2024The Associated PressIn Brazil's unique Caatinga biome residents are on a mission to plant native vegetation in a bid to halt desertification
By Pablo Porciuncula and Carlos Fabal With Lucia Lacurcia In Rio De Janeiro28 Jun 2024Agence France-PresseJyoti Gondek said Calgarians blew past the daily threshold the city set to maintain water service.
By CP28 Jun 2024The Canadian PressEnvironmentalists say regulators failed to properly consider alternatives that would minimize climate impacts.
By Todd Richmond28 Jun 2024The Associated PressThe rejection of the Chevron doctrine shifts power from federal agencies to the courts, affecting rules on environment, health, and safety.
By Matthew Daly28 Jun 2024The Associated PressThe extreme heat, part of an excessive heat watch across the US Southwest, underscores the dangers faced by migrants and residents alike.
By Anita Snow28 Jun 2024The Associated PressThe pilot operation is a critical step toward full-scale industrialization of the Elysis technology which eliminates direct greenhouse gas emissions from the smelting...
By CP28 Jun 2024The Canadian PressCountries need to dig deeper to provide the finance and set the policies needed to shift to a low-carbon economy, delegates heard this...
By Susanna Twidale, Virginia Furness and Simon Jessop28 Jun 2024ReutersA political tilt to the right in Europe will not derail climate efforts as businesses are increasingly locked into green strategies.
By Simon Jessop, Susanna Twidale and Virginia Furness28 Jun 2024ReutersOn June 20, the British Supreme Court ruled that a local council acted unlawfully by granting planning permission for an oil project. Carbon...
By Daisy Dunne28 Jun 2024Carbon BriefPlease login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.