Doug Burgum has championed the pipeline, calling it a great business opportunity.
By Richard Lardner and Jack Dura24 Jun 2024The Associated PressThe surge of fires before the peak of the dry season has raised alarm for the Pantanal, which extends into Bolivia and Paraguay...
By AFP24 Jun 2024Agence France-PresseFloodwaters have risen over days of heavy rain where South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska meet around Sioux City, as well as along the...
By Margery A. Beck24 Jun 2024The Associated PressFlooding is a big change for a part of the country that has endured drought in recent years.
By Michael Phillis24 Jun 2024The Associated PressLeaders of the Group of Seven developed countries this month pledged to phase out existing unabated coal power generation in energy systems during...
By Susanna Twidale24 Jun 2024ReutersOrganisers have dropped a pledge to set a hard limit on overall carbon costs. (AFP)
By Julien Mivielle24 Jun 2024Agence France-PresseBy Daniel Trotta (Reuters) – Americans from New York to Washington may finally get a reprieve on Monday from the oppressive heat wave...
By Daniel Trotta24 Jun 2024ReutersPlease login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.