Electricity produced from renewable sources is set to surpass output from coal-fired plants for the first time in 2025, the IEA said Friday
By AFP19 Jul 2024Agence France-PresseSunPower is halting new product shipments and deactivating certain agreements, amid financial challenges.
By Sourasis Bose18 Jul 2024ReutersThe loan guarantee is for two solar projects to enhance Puerto Rico's energy security and grid resilience after recent hurricanes.
By Timothy Gardner18 Jul 2024ReutersSome of the largest Chinese solar panel makers are setting up shop in the US thanks to new clean energy manufacturing subsidies
By Reuters17 Jul 2024ReutersUS solar manufacturers are calling for tougher rules governing a tax credit for developers that use domestically produced components
By Reuters17 Jul 2024ReutersHe said the economy would suffer unless the country reduces its dependency on coal.
By Tim Cocks15 Jul 2024ReutersUK set for ‘solar rooftop revolution’ as new government formulates plan.
By David Lynch14 Jul 2024UK PA MediaThe authorities are proposing a price of 671 dong ($0.0264) per kWh for the excess power from rooftop solar panels.
By Reuters12 Jul 2024ReutersChinese renewables projects being built at double the collective pace of every other country, although its national grid still relies on coal plants.
By Matthew Walsh10 Jul 2024Agence France-PresseIndia needs a steady supply of copper to supports its economic growth and ambitious electrification goals. It also needs a copper strategy to...
By Kathari News10 Jul 2024International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)Please login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.