AB Amber Grid, legal entity code: 303090867. Address: Laisvės ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania.
The Lithuanian gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid announces that on 2nd September 2024, has terminated the existing mutual lending and borrowing agreement with its parent company UAB EPSO-G and concluded the new one.
The Agreement sets forth the maximum lending limit for EPSO-G – Eur 70 000 000 and the lending limit for AB Amber Grid – Eur 10 000 000. Maximum maturity of the Agreement - 3 years.
More information:
Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of Amber Grid,
Ph. +370 699 61 246, e-mail: l.sebekiene@ambergrid.lt...

Read the full news release here