AB Amber Grid, legal entity code: 303090867. Address: Laisvės ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Approaching the end of the 5-year term of the current CEO of Amber Grid and following the decision of the Board, the selection of candidates for the position of the Company's CEO has been announced. Applications are invited until February 1, 2025.
Requirements for candidates are published here and here (only in LT).
After completion of the selection procedures and verification of the candidates in accordance with the requirements of the laws on the protection of objects important for ensuring national security and the prevention of corruption, the decision on the appointment of the CEO from among the selected candidates will be made by the Company's Board.
It is planned that the Board of Amber Grid will appoint the CEO of the company at the beginning of April, 2025.
More information:
Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of Amber Grid,
Ph. +370 699 61 246, e-mail: l.sebekiene@ambergrid.lt...

Read the full news release here