Wednesday, 25 September 2024

News Releases

A selection of timely and relevant news releases from industry and government that stakeholders in the global energy transition need to make informed decisions. The issuer of these news releases are solely responsible for their content.

News Release

National Storage Affiliates Trust and Solar Landscape Announce New Agreement to Pursue Over 100 Megawatts of Rooftop Solar

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--National Storage Affiliates Trust and Solar Landscape Announce New Agreement to Pursue Over 100 Megawatts of Rooftop Solar...Read the full...

News Release

Whole Foods Market Announces Participants of 2024 Local and Emerging Accelerator Program’s Early Growth Cohort

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Whole Foods Market Announces Participants of 2024 Local and Emerging Accelerator Program’s Early Growth Cohort...Read the full news release here

News Release

Archrock Announces Closing of $700 Million of Senior Notes Offering

HOUSTON, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Archrock, Inc. (NYSE: AROC) (“Archrock”) today announced the closing of the previously announced private offering by...

News Release

Pineapple Energy Highlights Market Factors That Shaped Financial Performance in Recent Months

RONKONKOMA, N.Y., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pineapple Energy Inc. (Nasdaq: PEGY) (Pineapple Energy) (“Pineapple” or the “Company”), a leading provider of...

News Release

Samsara Eco and NILIT Team up to Build World-First Nylon 6,6 Recycling Facility

CANBERRA, Australia & AMSTERDAM--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #EnzymaticRecycling--NILIT and Samsara Eco envision the world's first nylon 6,6 textile-to-textile recycled polymer production facility in Southeast Asia...Read...

News Release

Samsara Eco與NILIT合作建設全球第一個尼龍6,6回收設施

澳洲坎培拉和阿姆斯特丹--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 環保技術創新企業Samsara Eco與全球首屈一指的服裝用尼龍6,6生產商NILIT宣布,雙方計畫在東南亞投資建設尼龍6,6紡織品回收再生聚合物生產基地,以協助實現尼龍6,6的循環利用。 每年大約有400萬公噸尼龍6,6被生產出來,它是高性能服裝和時尚產業使用最廣泛的纖維之一。然而,尼龍6,6卻是出了名的難以回收再利用。當與氨綸等其他纖維混合使用時,它的回收難度會進一步增加。Samsara Eco和NILIT正尋求攜手正面解決這一問題。 該設施計畫於2026年末投入使用,它將具備回收紡織廢料的獨特能力,生產出高品質的再生尼龍6,6聚合物,供紡織品牌和生產商在其現有供應鏈中順暢使用,從而無限創造出新的紡織面料。 Samsara Eco執行長兼創辦人Paul Riley表示:「我們的願景是透過無限循環利用實現氣候修復。我們達成這一目標的方法之一,就是為尼龍6,6建立第一條循環途徑。由尼龍6,6製成的廢棄服裝,如運動服,甚至汽車內飾等產品,通常會被掩埋或在生命週期結束時被焚燒,這對我們的地球造成了嚴重的後果。...Read the full news release here

News Release

Samsara Eco与NILIT合作建设全球首个尼龙6,6回收设施

澳大利亚堪培拉和阿姆斯特丹--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 环保技术创新企业Samsara Eco与全球领先的服装用尼龙6,6生产商NILIT宣布,双方计划在东南亚投资建设尼龙6,6纺织品回收再生聚合物生产基地,以帮助实现尼龙6,6的循环利用。 每年大约有400万吨尼龙6,6被生产出来,它是高性能服装和时尚行业使用最广泛的纤维之一。然而,尼龙6,6却是出了名的难以回收再利用。当与氨纶等其他纤维混合使用时,它的回收难度会进一步增加。Samsara Eco和NILIT正寻求携手正面解决这一问题。 该设施计划于2026年末投入使用,它将具备回收纺织废料的独特能力,生产出高质量的再生尼龙6,6聚合物,供纺织品牌和生产商在其现有供应链中无缝使用,从而无限创造出新的纺织面料。 Samsara Eco首席执行官兼创始人Paul Riley表示:“我们的愿景是通过无限循环利用实现气候修复。我们实现这一目标的方法之一,就是为尼龙6,6创建第一条循环途径。由尼龙6,6制成的废弃服装,如运动服,甚至汽车内饰等产品,通常会被填埋或在生命周期结束时被焚烧,这对我们的地球造成了严重的后果...Read the full news release here

News Release

Avangrid Completes Module Installation at True North Solar project

FALLS COUNTY, Tex.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, recently installed the final modules...

News Release

LCCC and ESC annual reports published

26 Aug 2024 Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) and Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) have today published their annual reports and accounts for 23/24....

News Release

Corvias Expands Solar Power Generation at Fort Riley Housing

FORT RILEY, Kan.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As a leading provider of solar power for privatized housing on military installations, last week Corvias hosted Honorable Rachel Jacobson,...

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