A selection of timely and relevant news releases from industry and government that stakeholders in the global energy transition need to make informed decisions. The issuer of these news releases are solely responsible for their content.
Seventh Year in a Row of Approximately 50% or Better Cash Margins Cash Flow Growth Initiatives Contributed Over $50 million in Cash Flow...
Issued by Diversified Energy PLCDistributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.11 Feb 2025MORGANTOWN, W. Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Infinity Natural Resources, Inc. (“Infinity”) (NYSE: INR) announced today that Infinity President and CEO Zack Arnold and EVP and CFO...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025COLUMBUS, Ind.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #cummins--Accelera™ by Cummins, the zero-emissions business segment of Cummins Inc. [NYSE: CMI], will supply a 100-megawatt (MW) proton exchange membrane...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025WASHINGTON & LOS ALTOS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), in partnership with Bidgely, has released a new Insight Brief: AI for Transportation...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025KYLE, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--XCharge North America (XCharge NA), a provider of direct current fast charging (DCFC) and battery-integrated electric vehicle (EV) solutions, announced its...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--USA Compression Partners, LP (NYSE: USAC) (“USA Compression” or the “Partnership”) announced today its financial and operating results for fourth-quarter 2024. Financial...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pentair plc (NYSE: PNR), a leader in helping the world sustainably move, improve and enjoy water, life’s most essential resource, will be...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025瑞士尼永--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- EH Group驕傲地宣布,我們已獲得全球頂尖認證機構SQS頒發的ISO 9001認證。其嚴格的審核流程證實,我們的研發與生產流程符合品質管理方面的最高國際標準。這一標準的實施彰顯了我們對品質和持續改進的重視。 標準 安全、可靠性與認證工程師Danny Knippen表示:「籌備ISO 9001認證表示整個團隊都要參與其中,並且要深入到我們技術研發和生產流程的核心環節。獲得該認證顯示,我們在所有業務活動中都建立了穩健且明確的流程。」 EH Group創辦人Mardit Matian表示:「ISO 9001認證是公司的一個重要里程碑,展現了我們對於為客戶提供高品質燃料電池技術和產品的承諾。」 關於EH集團 EH Group自2017年在瑞士成立,專注于創新燃料電池技術的設計和生產。我們提供無與倫比的功率密度、高效率,以及能從根本上降低成本的獨特組裝製程。我們的目標是實現大型固定電力(資料中心和微電網)、船舶和航空領域的脫碳。 免責聲明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授權版本。譯文僅供方便瞭解之用,煩請參照原文,原文版本乃唯一具法...Read the full news release here
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025瑞士尼翁--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- EH Group自豪地宣布,我们已获得全球领先认证机构SQS颁发的ISO 9001认证。其严格的审核流程证实,我们的研发与生产流程符合质量管理方面的最高国际标准。这一标准的实施凸显了我们对质量和持续改进的重视。 标准 安全、可靠性与认证工程师Danny Knippen表示:“筹备ISO 9001认证意味着整个团队都要参与其中,并且要深入到我们技术研发和生产流程的核心环节。获得该认证表明,我们在所有业务活动中都建立了稳健且明确的流程。” EH Group创始人Mardit Matian表示:“ISO 9001认证是公司的一个重要里程碑,展现了我们对于为客户提供高质量燃料电池技术和产品的承诺。” 关于EH Group EH Group自2017年在瑞士成立,专注于创新燃料电池技术的设计和生产。我们提供无与伦比的功率密度、高效率,以及能从根本上降低成本的独特组装工艺。我们的目标是实现大型固定电力(数据中心和微电网)、船舶和航空领域的脱碳。 免责声明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授权版本。译文仅供方便了解之用,烦请参照原文,原文版本...Read the full news release here
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025NYON, Suisse--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EH Group est fier d’annoncer qu’il a obtenu la certification ISO 9001 attribuée par SQS, l’un des grands organismes mondiaux de...
Distributed by Business Wire11 Feb 2025Please login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.