A selection of timely and relevant news releases from industry and government that stakeholders in the global energy transition need to make informed decisions. The issuer of these news releases are solely responsible for their content.
AUGUSTA, Maine--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, announced that the U.S. Department of...
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024The Saudi National Orchestra and Choir dazzled the audience alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the renowned UK opera singer, Dame Sarah ConnollyA...
Issued by Ministry of CultureDistributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.3 Oct 2024BeamBike™ charges up to 12 ebikes on an off-grid, transportable charging platform that is deployed in minutesSAN DIEGO, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)...
Issued by Beam GlobalDistributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.3 Oct 2024SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Starbucks expands its global effort to protect the future of coffee with two new coffee innovation farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica...Read...
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024DURHAM, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #Boliden--The International Zinc Association (IZA) is pleased to announce Boliden President and CEO Mikael Staffas as the new IZA Chairperson,...
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Guzman Energy, a wholesale power provider announced today the addition of Chase Whitney as VP of Power Supply, effective immediately. Whitney brings...
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024ALAMEDA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sepion Technologies, a leader in battery materials innovation, announces plans to build a cutting-edge lithium-ion battery separator manufacturing facility in the...
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024SINGAPORE, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Valeura Energy Inc. (TSX:VLE, OTCQX:VLERF) ("Valeura" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on Q3...
Issued by Valeura Energy Inc.Distributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.3 Oct 2024東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- Kristian Bradshaw是一位享譽國際的能源律師,為日本和世界各地的客戶提供複雜專案開發和融資方面的法律意見。他已加入Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP,成為東京辦事處的合夥人。 Bradshaw的執業領域主要集中在能源、基礎設施和能源轉型方面,尤其著重於液化天然氣、氫和氨、潔淨燃料、太陽能、風能、地熱、碳捕集和儲存以及潔淨技術事務。 Hunton Andrews Kurth能源和基礎設施團隊負責人Jeffrey P. Schroeder表示:「隨著我們繼續執行自身的國際策略成長計畫,Kristian的加入進一步鞏固了我們做為全球能源產業頂尖顧問的地位。他被廣泛認為是一位傑出的能源專案開發律師,致力於打造創新、縝密的解決方案,以協助其客戶達成他們的商業目標。」 負責領導Hunton Andrews Kurth核業務的George Borovas 補充道:「除了強化我們在東京的專案開發和財務實務外,Kristian還帶來了互補的技能組合和經驗,為與我們在整個地區現有的能源業務進行協作提供了令人振奮的機...Read the full news release here
Distributed by Business Wire3 Oct 2024东京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- Kristian Bradshaw是一位享誉国际的能源律师,为日本和世界各地的客户提供复杂项目开发和融资方面的法律意见。他已加入Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP,成为东京办事处的合伙人。 Bradshaw的执业领域主要集中在能源、基础设施和能源转型方面,尤其侧重于液化天然气、氢和氨、清洁燃料、太阳能、风能、地热、碳捕获和储存以及清洁技术事务。 Hunton Andrews Kurth能源和基础设施团队负责人Jeffrey P. Schroeder表示:“随着我们继续执行自身的国际战略增长计划,Kristian的加入进一步巩固了我们作为全球能源行业顶级顾问的地位。他被广泛认为是一位杰出的能源项目开发律师,致力于打造创新、缜密的解决方案,以帮助其客户实现他们的商业目标。” 负责领导Hunton Andrews Kurth核业务的George Borovas 补充道:“除了加强我们在东京的项目开发和财务实践外,Kristian还带来了互补的技能组合和经验,为与我们在整个地区现有的能源业务进行协作提供了令人振奋的机...Read the full news release here
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