A selection of timely and relevant news releases from industry and government that stakeholders in the global energy transition need to make informed decisions. The issuer of these news releases are solely responsible for their content.
On the initiative and by decision of the Board of AB Amber Grid (legal entity code 303090867, registered office address Laisvės av. 10,...
Issued by Amber GridDistributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.27 Sep 2024September 27 2024 At the Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), an intriguing experiment is unfolding that could change the future of fusion energy. It’s called the...
Issued by EUROfusion27 Sep 2024休斯顿--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- Utility Global是一家废气利用公司,该公司率先推出针对难以减排行业而优化的专有eXERO™气体生产技术。该公司今天宣布,目前正在进行的C轮融资已筹集了5300万美元,该融资由OPG Pension Plan和跨国钢铁公司ArcelorMittal S.A.(NYSE: MT) 通过其XCarb® Innovation Fund领投,当前投资者Ara Partners和Aramco Ventures共同参与。这项投资是Utility Global当前一轮增长股权融资的一部分。ArcelorMittal和Utility Global还签订了一项合作协议,在ArcelorMittal的一个或多个综合钢铁厂开发商业化设施。这些关键的战略投资和商业化步骤进一步展示了Utility Global正在寻求独特技术方法,以实现钢铁、沼气制氢、能源生产、化学品和炼油以及其他难以减排行业的脱碳。 本轮融资所得资金将用于进一步加快Utility Global获得专利并经过测试的成熟eXERO 技术的商业化和上市战略。随着在一家商业...Read the full news release...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024休斯頓--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- Utility Global是一家廢氣再利用公司,開創了針對難以減排的產業進行最佳化的專有eXERO™天然氣生產技術。該公司今天宣布,其已在持續C輪融資中籌集了5300萬美元資金,該輪融資由OPG Pension Plan領投,全球性鋼鐵公司ArcelorMittal S.A. (NYSE: MT)透過其XCarb® Innovation Fund跟投,參與跟投的還有目前的投資人Ara Partners和Aramco Ventures。這項投資是Utility Global目前一輪成長型股權融資的一部分。ArcelorMittal和Utility Global還簽署了一項合作協議,以在ArcelorMittal的一家或多家綜合鋼廠開發商業設施。這些關鍵的策略投資和商業化措施進一步展示了Utility Global正在追求的獨特技術方法,旨在實現鋼鐵、沼氣到氫能交通、能源生產、化工和煉油等產業以及其他難以減排行業的脫碳。 本輪融資的收益將用於進一步加快Utility Global經過驗證和測試並獲得專利的eXERO技術的商...Read the full news release here
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Utility Global, das Unternehmen, das Abgase in Wert umwandelt und Pionierarbeit bei seiner firmeneigenen eXERO™-Gasproduktionstechnologie leistet, die für schwer zu reduzierende Industrien...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Petrus Resources Ltd. (“Petrus” or the “Company”) (TSX: PRQ) is pleased to announce the most...
Issued by Petrus Resources Ltd.Distributed by GlobeNewswire Inc.26 Sep 2024SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Synthica Energy broke ground today on a new Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Plant in San Antonio, Texas. The project is expected...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024LITTLETON, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rare Element Resources Ltd. (the “Company” or “RER”) (OTCQB: REEMF) is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Energy’s (the...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024READING, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #EnerSys--EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) the global leader in stored energy solutions for industrial applications will host a “Technology Talk” webcast on...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hartree Partners, LP (“Hartree” or the “Company”) announced the closing of its first senior unsecured revolving credit facility (the “Facility”) on...
Distributed by Business Wire26 Sep 2024Please login to like, dislike or bookmark this article.