Sunday, 9 March 2025

Focus on Electricity


Increasing renewable energy to create more conflicts between environmental values

An Alberta environmental group opposes a solar power project over concerns it would damage antelope habitat and block their migration


US surpasses renewable energy goal for public lands

The U.S. has surpassed a goal of permitting more than 25 gigawatts of clean energy projects on public lands by 2025.


Dead whale on New Jersey’s Long Beach Island is first of the year, stranding group says

It drew renewed outcries from opponents of offshore wind, who believe that site preparation work for oceanic wind farms is harming or even...


Canadian province seeks to regulate electricity for cryptocurrency miners, citing huge demands

British Columbia's energy ministry says cryptocurrency miners consume large amounts of electricity to constantly run high-powered computers, while creating very few jobs or...

AnalysisEconomyEfficiencyElectric Vehicles (EVs)ElectricityPoliticsPublic TransitReportsTransport

How digital tech could improve public transit and reduce emissions, too

A new report from the Institute for Research on Public Policy explores how digital technologies could make public transit "more equitable, efficient and...

NewsNuclear PowerPolitics

IAEA’s Grossi says Zaporizhzhia attacks risk shift in Ukraine war

VIENNA (Reuters) -Drone attacks on the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine must stop as they could pose “a new and gravely...

ElectricityNatural GasNewsStorageTransmission

UK can meet gas, power demand: transmission operators

There are sufficient supplies of gas and electricity to meet the UK's energy demand from April to September this year, due to lower...


‘Visit a heat pump’ scheme to help householders make clean tech switch

Owners of properties with a heat pump are opening their doors to homeowners who are considering making the change to clean tech


US electricity and gasoline prices push up energy sector inflation

U.S. electricity and gasoline prices increased sharply in March, leading the energy sector to far outpace broader inflation for the month.


In megaproject-weary Newfoundland, a massive hydrogen operation has some on edge

World Energy GH2's chief executive says he is aware of concerns from local residents about the US$12-billion Project Nujio’qonik, but the company is...

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