Friday, 14 February 2025

Focus on Govt of Chile

FILE PHOTO: A worker walks near a drill rig in a pit at Anglo American's Los Bronces copper mine in Chile, obtained by Reuters on April 26, 2024.  Anglo American/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo
BusinessCritical MineralsEnvironmentMiningNewsPoliticsRegulations

Chile files four environmental charges against Anglo American mine

Los Bronces is one of Chile's biggest copper mines with output of 255,000 metric tons last year, as well as a key project...

FILE PHOTO: The logo of Anglo American is seen on a jacket of an employee at the Los Bronces copper mine, in the outskirts of Santiago, Chile March 14, 2019 Picture Taken March 14, 2019. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido/File Photo
BusinessClimateCritical MineralsEmissionsEnvironmentIndigenousMiningNewsPoliticsRegulations

Chile regulator charges Anglo American mine over environmental violations

Chile charges Anglo American's El Soldado mine with environmental violations, risking closure or a $12M fine without compliance.

The logo of Codelco, the world's largest copper producer, is seen at their headquarters in downtown Santiago, Chile March 29, 2018. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo
BusinessCritical MineralsEmissionsMiningNewsRegulations

Chilean regulator charges Codelco smelter with emissions violation

Chile’s environmental regulator has filed a "serious" charge against Codelco's Potrerillos smelter over emissions violations.

FILE PHOTO: The logo of copper miner Freeport-McMoRan Inc is displayed on their offices in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S. June 30, 2022. REUTERS/Ernest Scheyder/File Photo
BusinessCritical MineralsEconomyIndigenousMiningNewsPoliticsRegulations

Delay in Chile mining permits a serious problem, says local head of Freeport

Chile’s delay on mining permit reforms is a “serious” issue, says Freeport-McMoRan exec, impacting key copper projects.

FILE PHOTO: The logo of Codelco, the world's largest copper producer, is seen at their headquarters in downtown Santiago, Chile March 29, 2018. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo
ClimateCritical MineralsEnvironmentIndigenousMiningNewsRegulations

Chile’s Codelco seeks permit for $650 million Andina water project

Chile's Codelco seeks environmental permit for $650M project that makes water use at its Andina mine more sustainable.

FILE PHOTO: Chile's environment minister Maisa Rojas talks during an interview with Reuters in Santiago, Chile  May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido/File Photo
BiodiversityClimate FinanceEmissionsEmissions MarketsEnvironmentFinanceNews

Chile govt readying bond to incentivize future conservation

Chile has created a new bond to ensure long-term conservation commitments, linking financial penalties to environmental goals, said Environment Minister Maisa Rojas.

AnalysisCarbon ManagementEmissionsLegislationRegulations

How are countries reporting progress toward net-zero commitments?

Countries with net-zero targets but no tracking system should engage peers to learn from their experiences and share best practices.

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